Of course you can



What about a swim? You can swim comfortably in the ocean in Maine in the summer if you're a polar bear. Actually, there are usually two days in August when the water temperature make it to the mid 60 degree mark. Now, if you can only pick those days....


Ever been in fog so thick that you can't see your hand in front of your face? No? Then you haven't spent much time in Maine. We have weeks at a time when you can't see the sun unless you're ten miles in-land.


A little chilled? Portland didn't break 91 degrees in the summer of 2001, but it certainly broke 50. It's amazing how much warmer it can be a few miles inland, especially early and late in the season. Oh well, grab your parka and- where did you put those woollies?


Ever try to make an intelligent conversation when your favorite new sport is slapping mosquitoes? At least you wont feel out of place when everyone else at the office is covered with welts the next day.


Taking a ferry to the island? Hope you can fit your schedule to theirs. The swells aren't usually deep enough to make you seasick. The roar of the disel engine and smell of the exhaust certainly add to the ambience. Oh, who pays for the ride out? And hey, where do we park?


How's the caterer doing? She's a terrific woman but did she show or was an assistant sent instead? Did they bring enough food with them? When was it prepared? Was it kept cool on the way? Will they clean up or is that up to you?


Oh, come on, make it easy on yourself. Just have it at one of those places downtown. Everyone will know right where they are going and exactly what to expect.

Where there problems with the event? Did things   go wrong? 

Consider your future and  tell the boss that it was great.

(After all... it cost him a lot of money.)