Back in 1985, Ann and I discovered how hard it was to find a place where a company could bring its employees to relax, have fun and get to know each other on a more personal basis. Every place we went with our employers seemed to have shortcomings of all sorts. Some places were public and filled with tourists. Some places were all outside with no shelter if the weather turned. Other event sites were so crowded that you couldn't even tell if the people were with your group or not. Most places wouldn't allow the boss to bring a few beers or at least let us bring our own if we so desired. One place we actually had to sign up so that we could have a chance to play softball. Too bad that our time was up before the game was finished!

That's when the Fairpoint concept was born!

We found a lodge with seventy acres on a beautiful pristine lake only 1/2 hour from Portland (Maine). First we added several additions to the original building, allowing us to seat up to 250 people.Next came the volleyball field, then the softball field was seeded By the time we added the new dock, cleaned the beach, put in thechanging rooms and bought a couple of boats we were ready to begin the real work ... pleasing the guests!

Since those early days, we have found a niche providing a quality atmosphere and excellent food to business and corporate entities. Never open to the public, we are able to do everything fresh for each and every event. Holding the line to one event on any given day and making the whole facility, grounds and activities available to just that group has led to a great response.

Imagine a day of swimming and boating in the clear waters of Notched Pond, a rousing game of softball and the the rousing competition of a volleyball game followed by a REAL traditional lobsterbake. Sound like the ingredients for success in your company function? You bet it is!